How will working with Frugal Brenda help you attain your goal?

She uses frugal techniques discussed in her book How to Be a Frugal Millionaire, to coach individuals and businesses. The implementation of these techniques results in positive immediate savings. The frugal mindset once attained often result in amazing continuous long-term expenditure savings. These savings can be used for a myriad of ways: retirement, college, vacation, housing, or just establishing an emergency fund.

She is not just a coach, but a Frugal Financial Coach. She is an award-winning businesswoman. Her background is accounting, bookkeeping, and tax with membership National Association of Tox Professionals and National Society of Accountants have given her the credibility to assist clients in attaining their goals. Her coaching style is participative, common sense finances, going beyond the numbers.

The essential steps in coaching sessions are:

  • Obtaining the numbers
  • Analyzing of these numbers
  • Define attitudes of line items
  • Resolve issues – turning negatives to positives
  • Plan for unexpected expenses/events
  • Monitor success regularly – quarterly

Call Frugal Brenda at  973-857-7650


for your

Personal and confidential
